21.11.2024 | ||
Scientific name | Nickname | |
0000.0 | Betta splendens male | Siamese kempvis man speciale |
1L01.1 | Carassius sp. | Goudvis panda en parelschub |
1L01.2 | Carassius sp. | Goudvis leeuwenkop calico |
1L01.3 | axolotl | |
1L02.1 | Carassius sp. | ryukin |
1L02.2 | Chrosomus erythrogaster | roodbuik elrits |
1L02.3 | axolotl | |
1L03.1 | axolotl | |
1L03.2 | Carassius sp. | red cap |
1L03.3 | axolotl | |
1L04.1 | Carassius sp. | Goudvis sluierstaart calico |
1L04.2 | Carassius sp. | Goudvis sluierstaart |
1L04.3 | axolotl | |
1L05.1 | Poecilia Latipinna | molly gold-dust |
1L05.2 | Poecilia Latipinna | molly golden lyretail |
1L05.3 | Poecilia Latipinna | molly balloon mix |
1L06.1 | Poecilia Latipinna | Saffron Molly |
1L06.2 | Poecilia Latipinna | molly black lyretail |
1L06.3 | Poecilia Latipinna | molly dalmatiner lyretail |
1L07.1 | Xiphophorus maculatus | Platy bumble bee |
1L07.2 | Xiphophorus maculatus | platy blue mickey mouse |
1L07.3 | Xiphophorus maculatus | Platy bumble bee |
2R01.1 | poecilia sp | guppy mix |
2R01.2 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup elephant |
2R01.3 | Poecilia wingei | gup elephant |
2R02.1 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup panda |
2R02.2 | Poecilia Reticulata | endler gup red |
2R02.3 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup red cap |
2R03.1 | Poecilia Reticulata | Gup calico lyretail |
2R03.2 | Poecilia wingei | Endler gup black bar |
2R03.3 | Poecilia wingei | Endler gup wild |
2R04.1 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup sunset |
2R04.2 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup blue grass and snow white |
2R04.3 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup elephant platinum |
2R05.1 | Xiphophorus Helleri | Zwaarddrager tricolor |
2R05.2 | Xiphophorus Helleri | zwaarddrager lyretail mix |
2R05.3 | Xiphophorus Helleri | Zwaarddrager red |
2R06.1 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup female |
2R06.2 | Poecilia Reticulata | gup female |
2R06.3 | ||
2R07.1 | Xiphophorus maculatus | Platy bleeding heart |
2R07.2 | Xiphophorus maculatus | Platy coral red |
2R07.3 | Xiphophorus maculatus | Platy neon mickey mouse |
2L01.1 | Pseudomugil gertrudae | Regenboogvisje |
2L01.2 | Neocaridina Heteropoda | red fire |
2L01.3 | ||
2L02.1 | Iriatherina Werneri | prachtregenboogvisje |
2L02.2 | Neocaridina davidi | crested cream |
2L02.3 | Caridina Multidenta | Amano garnaal L |
2L03.1 | Rasbora Naevus | Dwergrasbora |
2L03.2 | Neocaridina Heteropoda | Orange |
2L03.3 | ||
2L04.1 | Aplochilithys normanni | Blauw oogje |
2L04.2 | neocaridina davidi | Orange |
2L04.3 | ||
2L05.1 | Oryzias latipes | Sparkled grey ricefish |
2L05.2 | Neocaridina sp | Blue velvet |
2L05.2 | Pseudomugil luminatus | red |
2L05.3 | Macrobrachium Peguense | Roodschaargarnaal |
2L06.1 | Oryzias latipes | Sparkled orange rice fish |
2L06.2 | Boraras sp. Micros | Boraras sp. Micros |
2L06.2 | Neocaridina Heteropoda | Yellow Fire |
2L06.3 | ||
2L07.1 | Rasboras urophthalmoides | Dwergrasbora |
2L07.2 | Cambarellus Patzuarensis | Oranje dwergkreeftje |
2L07.3 | ||
3R01.1 | Nannostomus beckfordi red | potloodvis |
3R01.1 | Dermogenys Pusilla | Silver/white halfsnavelbekje |
3R01.2 | Dario dario | |
3R01.2 | Hara jerdoni | Dwerg meerval |
3R01.3 | Caridina Japomica | Garnaal |
3R02.1 | Sundadanio Axelrodia | Blue |
3R02.1 | Mugilogobius Adeia | dwerg goby |
3R02.2 | Neritina sp onion | slak |
3R02.2 | Danio Margaritatus | Pareldanio/hemelvisje |
3R02.2 | Ancistrus sp | |
3R02.3 | Danio choprai | Glowlight |
3R03.1 | Oryzias Woworae | rijstvisje |
3R03.1 | Ancistrus sp. | Ancistrus sp Super red |
3R03.2 | Vittina Coromandeliana | Zebra slak |
3R03.2 | Ancistrus sp | ancistrus sp long fin |
3R03.3 | Rasbora borapetensis | red tail rasbora |
3R04.1 | Microdevario kubotai | groene dwergrasbora |
3R04.1 | Ancistrus sp. | Albino ancistrus |
3R04.2 | Aphyocharax paraguayensis | |
3R04.2 | Ancistrus sp | L181: ancistrus sp white seam |
3R04.3 | ||
3R05.1 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon amandae / ember tetra |
3R05.2 | Ancistrus sp | Albino ancistrus |
3R05.2 | Anentome helena | Slaketende slak |
3R05.2 | Celestichthys Erythromicron | Danio |
3R05.3 | ||
3R06.1 | rerio rerio | zebra danio |
3R06.2 | ||
3R06.3 | ||
3R07.1 | boraras brigittae | rode dwergrasbora |
3R07.2 | Gastromyzon punctulatus | chinese algeneter |
3R07.2 | trichopsis pumila | dwergknorgourami |
3R07.3 | cherax snowden | orange tip |
3L01.1 | Alestopetersius nigropterus | Afrikaanse zalm |
3L01.1 | Garra Spilota | doktervisje |
3L01.2 | Garra flavatra | Panda |
3L01.2 | Danio rerio | Golden Zebra |
3L01.3 | synodontis sp | synodontis valentiana |
3L02.1 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon serpae briljant |
3L02.2 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon columbianus |
3L02.3 | Labeo bicoloe | Albino |
3L03.1 | Barbus conchonius | bloody red long fin |
3L03.2 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon flammeus |
3L03.2 | Synodontis petricola | Lucipinna |
3L03.3 | ||
3L04.1 | rasbora kalochromis | |
3L04.2 | Tateurndina ocellicauda | Goby |
3L04.2 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis (citroentetra) |
3L04.3 | Brachydanio rerio | long fin |
3L05.1 | Megalamphodus sweglesi | rode fantoomzalm |
3L05.1 | Schistura balteata | sumo loach |
3L05.2 | Trigonostigma espei | kegelvlek rasbora |
3L05.3 | Stiphodon Ornatus | |
3L06.1 | Inpaichthys kerri | Super blue |
3L06.2 | Tanichthys albonubes | gold |
3L06.2 | Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri | algeneter |
3L06.3 | synodontis sp | synodontis schoutedeni |
3L07.1 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Armstrong |
3L07.2 | Nematobrycon Palmeri | Black |
3L07.2 | Hymenochirus curticeps | dwerkklauwkikker |
3L07.3 | labeo frenatum | |
4R01.1 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon anisitsi albino |
4R01.2 | Arnoldichthys spilopterus | Afrikaanse zalm |
4R01.3 | Betta splendens female | common |
4R01.3 | Hyppstomus plecostomus | pleco |
4R02.1 | Hyphessobrycon sp | hyphessobrycon wadai |
4R02.2 | Rasbora heteromorpha | kegelvlek rasbora |
4R02.3 | Hypostomus plecostomus | chocolat |
4R03.1 | Carinotetraodon trevancoricus | dwerg kogelvis |
4R03.2 | Hyphessobrycon sp | hyphessobrycon eques |
4R03.3 | Apteronotus albifrons | mesvis |
4R04.1 | ||
4R04.2 | Hemigrammus sp | Hemigrammus erythrozonus (vuurneon) |
4R04.2 | Glyptoperichthys Paraibae | Glyptoperichthys Paraibae |
4R04.3 | ||
4R05.1 | Tanichthys albonubes | chinese danio |
4R05.2 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi |
4R05.2 | Microsynodontis batesi | |
4R05.2 | Badis Ruber | Badis |
4R05.3 | ||
4R06.1 | Megalamphodus megalopterus | Zwarte fantoomzalm |
4R06.2 | tanichthys linni | long fin |
4R06.3 | ||
4R07.1 | brachydanio frankei | leopard danio |
4R07.2 | Crossocheilus oblongus | siamese algeneter |
4R07.3 | Labeo bicolor | vuurstaart labeo |
4L01.1 | ||
4L01.2 | Acanthophthalmus kuhli | indische modderkruiper |
4L01.3 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras aneus |
4L02.1 | Barbus Denisoni | red line |
4L02.1 | Aplocheilus lineatus | gold |
4L02.2 | Desmopuntius pentazona | 5-streep barbeel |
4L02.3 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras aneus Albino |
4L03.1 | Barbus odessa | barbeel |
4L03.2 | Trichogaster cosby | marmer gourami |
4L03.3 | Corydoras sp | paleatus |
4L04.1 | Colisa chuna | gold |
4L04.2 | Chromobotia macracanthus | clownbotia |
4L04.3 | Bagroides Macracanthus | Bagroides Macracanthus |
4L04.3 | Barbus odessa | |
4L05.1 | Barbus nigrofasciatus | purperkop barbeel |
4L05.2 | Thayeria sp red tail | |
4L05.3 | Botia sp | botia striata |
4L05.3 | Helostoma temmincki | zoenvis |
4L06.1 | Trichogaster leeri | diamantgourami |
4L06.1 | Leporinus sp | Strawberry |
4L06.2 | Barbus Schuberti | Barbus Schuberti |
4L06.2 | Melanotaenia Australis | Super Red |
4L06.3 | ||
4L07.1 | hemigrammus pulcher | |
4L07.2 | Phenogrammus interruptus | kongozalm |
4L07.2 | Akysis prashadi | dwerg hommelmeerval |
4L07.3 | Erpetoichthys calabaricus | rietslang |
4L07.3 | Pimelodus pictus | Pimelodus pictus |
5R01.1 | Pt scalare | Bulgarian Green |
5R01.2 | Peckoltia Sp. | Peckoltia Sp. |
5R01.2 | Pt scalare | koi red |
5R01.3 | Oligolepis acutipennis | dragon fin goby |
5R01.3 | Pt scalare | red devil |
5R02.1 | Pt scalare | red devil |
5R02.2 | Pt scalare | zebra |
5R02.3 | Dianema urastriatum | Vlagstaart meerval |
5R02.3 | Pt scalare | zebra |
5R03.1 | Nomorhamphus liemi XL | halfsnavelbek |
5R03.2 | Pt scalare | black and white |
5R03.3 | Pt scalare | marble |
5R03.3 | Somileptes gongota | moose-face loach |
5R04.1 | Tetraodon Schoutedeni | Leopard kogelvis |
5R04.2 | Alestopetersius bricharid | rode congozalm |
5R04.2 | Bunocephalus coracoideus | Braadpanmeerval |
5R04.3 | Pt scalare | black |
5R05.1 | Barbus tetrazona | green platinum |
5R05.2 | Melanotaenia Praecox | Melanotaenia Praecox |
5R05.3 | Botia sp | botia hymenophysa |
5R06.1 | Carinotetraodon Irriubesco | Roodoog kogelvis |
5R06.2 | Melanotaenia boesemani | regenboogvis |
5R06.2 | Pangio pangia | |
5R06.3 | Colisa labiosa | red |
5R07.1 | puntius titteya | cherry barbeel |
5R07.2 | Thayeria boehlkei | hockeystick tetra |
5R07.3 | Botia sp | Botia Kubotia |
5R07.3 | Melanotaenia Lacustris | blauwe regenboogvis |
5L01.1 | Gasteropelecus Maculatus | reuze bijlzalm |
5L01.1 | Apistogramma sp | apistogramma hongsloi |
5L01.2 | Apistogramma sp | Apistogramma cacatuoides orange/gold |
5L01.2 | Ancistinae sp | L128: ancistrinae gen sp blue phantom |
5L01.3 | Corydoras sp | corydoras sterbai |
5L01.3 | Papiliochromis altispinosa | |
5L02.1 | Hemiancistrus sp | L200: hemiancistrus subviridis green phantom |
5L02.1 | Apistogramma sp | Apistogramma cacatuoides orange/gold |
5L02.2 | Papiliochromis ramirezi | Electric blue orange head |
5L02.2 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L136b; Hypancistrus spotted |
5L02.3 | otocinclus | Otocinclus affinis |
5L03.1 | Hyphessobrycon sp | hyphessobrycon procyon |
5L03.1 | Panaque sp | L190: panaque nigrolineatus |
5L03.2 | Papiliochromis ramirezi | |
5L03.2 | Aspidoras Pauciradiatus | Aspidoras Pauciradiatus |
5L03.3 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras sterbai ALBINO |
5L03.3 | Crenicichla regani | rio negros |
5L04.1 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L333; hypancistrus sp |
5L04.1 | Carnegiella strigata | marmer bijlzalm |
5L04.2 | Apistogramma sp | apistogramma macmasteri |
5L04.2 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L471: hypancistrus sp spotted |
5L04.3 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras schwartzii |
5L05.1 | Papiliochromis sp | Black |
5L05.1 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L129: Hypancistrus Debilittera |
5L05.1 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras sp Black Venezuela |
5L05.2 | Pelciachromis Pulcher | kersenbuikcichlide |
5L05.2 | Baryancistrus sp | L18: baryancistrus sp golden nugget |
5L05.3 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras panda |
5L06.1 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L66: Hypancistrus sp King Tiger |
5L06.2 | Botia sp | Botia sidthimunki |
5L06.2 | Baryancistrus sp | L81: baryancistrus sp orange seam |
5L06.2 | Papiliochromis ramirezi | gold |
5L06.3 | Neolamprologus leleupi | |
5L07.1 | Labidochromis Caeruleus | citroencichlide |
5L07.1 | Maylandia lombardoi | Yellow / Blue |
5L07.2 | Judichromis transcriptus | kalemie |
5L07.3 | Cichlasoma multispinosa | multispinosa |
6R01.1 | Nakweek discus | golden pigeon |
6R01.1 | Scobian Aureat | L14: Scobian Aureat Goldy |
6R01.2 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L46: hypancistrus sp ZEBRA |
6R01.2 | Pt scalare | Spotted from nanay |
6R01.2 | Discrossus Warzeli | Speciaal Schaakbordchichlide |
6R01.3 | Paracheirodon innesi | neon tetra |
6R01.3 | Corydoras sp | corydoras axelrodi deckeri |
6R02.1 | Nakweek discus | Marlboro |
6R02.2 | Nakweek discus | Blue snakeskin |
6R02.3 | Paracheirodon innesi | neon tetra |
6R03.1 | Nakweek discus | pigeon blood |
6R03.2 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L236: hypancistrus sp super white S |
6R03.2 | Hypancistrus Sp. | L236: hypancistrus sp super white M-L |
6R03.3 | Paracheirodom simulans | Groene Kardinaal |
6R04.1 | Nakweek discus | blue diamond |
6R04.2 | Nakweek discus | pigeon blood |
6R04.3 | Hemigrammus rhodostomus | Roodneuszalm |
6R05.1 | Nakweek discus | Marlboro |
6R05.2 | Nakweek discus | blue diamond |
6R05.3 | Corydoras sp | Corydoras arcuatus |
6R06.1 | Ctenolucius Hujeta | Snoekzalm |
6R06.1 | Hypancistrus Sp. | Inspector Spotted L201 |
6R06.2 | Pseudolithorux anthrax | L235 |
6R06.2 | Hyphessobrycon sp | Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis ORANGE |
6R06.3 | Paracheirodon Axelrodi | kardinaaltetra |
6R06.3 | Lithoxus sp | L52: Lithoxus sp butterfly |
6R07.1 | Colomesus asellus | 100% zoetwater kogelvis |
6R07.2 | Nakweek discus | Blue snakeskin |
6R07.3 | Paracheirodon Axelrodi | kardinaaltetra |
6R08.1 | malawi mix | |
6R08.2 | Lamprologus sp | lamprologus multifasciatus en Ocellatus |
6R08.3 |
Hybrid discus ON STOCK | ||
21/11/2024 | ||
6R01.1 | Nakweek discus | golden pigeon |
6R02.1 | Nakweek discus | Marlboro |
6R02.2 | Nakweek discus | Blue snakeskin |
6R03.1 | Nakweek discus | pigeon blood |
6R04.1 | Nakweek discus | blue diamond |
6R04.2 | Nakweek discus | pigeon blood |
6R05.1 | Nakweek discus | Marlboro |
6R05.2 | Nakweek discus | blue diamond |
6R07.2 | Nakweek discus | Blue snakeskin |
WILD DISCUS on stock | |||
current stock on 21-11-2024 | |||
Aquar. nr. | Scientific name | Nickname | Size |
14C01.1 | Potamotrygon sp | hybrid | |
14C02.1 | Geophagus sp | Geophagus Winemilleri | |
14C03.1 | Acarichthys heckelii | ||
14C04.1 | Symphysodon aequifasciatus | Wildvang discus: brown/red | L/XL |
14C05.1 | |||
14C06.1 | Pt scalare | Nanay honingvlek scalare | |
14C07.1 | Toxotes Chatareus | Freshwater Archer |
Cichlid ON STOCK | ||
21/11/2024 | ||
5L06.3 | Neolamprologus leleupi | |
5L07.1 | Labidochromis Caeruleus | citroencichlide |
5L07.1 | Maylandia lombardoi | Yellow / Blue |
5L07.2 | Judichromis transcriptus | kalemie |
5L07.3 | Cichlasoma multispinosa | multispinosa |
6R08.1 | malawi mix | |
6R08.2 | Lamprologus sp | lamprologus multifasciatus en Ocellatus |
6R08.3 | ||
Ons aanbod
Zoetwatervis Aquarium
Wil je een mooie discus, cichliden (Afrikaans of zuid Amerikaans) of gezelschapsaquarium waar je weinig of niks aan moet doen. Dan ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres!
Goudvis Aquarium
Wil je een goudvisaquarium met speciale goudvissen of koikarpers (indien het aquarium groot genoeg is). Dan ben je ook bij ons aan het juiste adres!
Zeewatervis Aquarium
Wil je een mooi rif op je bedrijf alsof je zelf aan het snorkelen bent met de ondertussen bekende anemoonvisjes (Nemo). Dan ben je nog steeds bij ons aan het juiste adres!
Wil je graag een Paludarium, dan heb je geluk met de nieuwe HUPA afdeling van Hustinx ben je aan het juiste dres. Een paludarium heeft zowel een land- als een watergedeelte.